About Volunteer Systems


We design and develop volunteer time keeping and management systems for Extension and other volunteer programs.

We have been doing this since 2008 and we've been involved with the Missouri Master Gardener program as a volunteer since 2009. Our involvement with the Master Gardener program has given us great insight into creating efficient, user-friendly applications that record volunteer time and activities and allow program coordinators and administrators the opportunity to manage their volunteers with minimum hassle.
We're ready to design your volunteer reporting & management system.


We are pleased to have a continued association with these fine Extension programs.

University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension
Iowa State University Extension
South Dakota State University Extension
Colorado State University
Kansas State University Extension
University of Missouri Extension
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
University of Wisconsin Extension
University of Maryland Extension
OSU Master Beekeepers
St. Louis Master Gardeners
Oregon State University Extension
University of Hawaii CTAHR
Texas A&M Extension
The Oregon Bee Atlas Project

Where Our Projects Come From

We get virtually all of our work through word of mouth.

We strive to maintain excellent relationships with all of our volunteer program clients. We provide ongoing support after a system has been deployed and see to it your volunteers stay informed and happy to report their hours and activities. And we are happy to continue to provide updates, modifications and major upgrades when necessary.

Contact Us!

Need References? Have some questions before you request a demo? Say HELLO!

The Company

We're ready to get to work for you!
  •  VolunteerSystems is part of RJ Jacob Design
  • 2386 E Wayland St | Springfield MO | 65804
  • On the Springfield Plateau
  •  417.337.3514 |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
